Man must ever hold the vision of his journey’s end and demand the manifestation of that which he has already received. It maybe his perfect health, love, supply, self-expression, home or friends.
They are all finished and perfect ideas registered in Divine Mind (man’s own superconscious mind) and must come through him, not to him.
A man came to me asking for treatments for success. It was imperative that he raise, within a certain time, fifty-thousand dollars for his business. The time limit was almost up, when he came to me in despair. No one wanted to invest in his enterprise, and the bank had flatly refused a loan.
“I suppose you lost your temper while at the bank, therefore your power. You can control any situation if you first control yourself.” “Go back to the bank,” I added, “and I will treat.” I replied.
My treatment was: “You are identified in love with the spirit of everyone connected with the bank. Let the divine idea come out of this situation.”
He replied, “Woman, you are talking about an impossibility. Tomorrow is Saturday; the bank closes at twelve, and my train won’t get me there until ten, and the time limit is up tomorrow, and anyway they won’t do it. It’s too late.”
“God doesn’t need any time and is never too late. With Him all things are possible.” I added, “I don’t know anything about business, but I know all about God.” I replied.
“It all sounds fine when I sit here listening to you, but when I go out it’s terrible.” He replied.
He lived in a distant city, and I did not hear from him for a week, and then came a letter. It read, “You were right. I raised the money, and will never again doubt the truth of all that you told me.”
I saw him a few weeks later, and I said, “What happened? You evidently had plenty of time, after all.”
He replied “My train was late, and I got there just fifteen minutes to twelve. I walked into the bank quietly and said, ‘I have come for the loan,’ and they gave it to me without a question.”
It was the last fifteen minutes of the time allotted to him, and Infinite Spirit was not too late. In this instance the man could never have demonstrated alone. He needed someone to help him hold to the vision. This is what one man can do for another.
How to Manifest your Goals
- Hold the vision on the outcome you desire.
- Create an elaborate picture of what your life will look like when you have accomplished your goal.
- Keep that picture constantly in your mind – Visualize.
- Don’t plan for alternative outcomes.
- Don’t plan for failure.
- Use your affirmations.