The body may be renewed and transformed through the spoken word and clear vision, and disease be completely wiped out of the consciousness. The metaphysician knows that all disease has a mental correspondence, and in order to heal the body one must first “heal the soul.”
The soul is the subconscious mind, and it must be “saved” from wrong thinking.
In the twenty-third psalm, we read: “He restoreth my soul.” This means that the subconscious mind or soul, must be restored with the right ideas, and the “mystical marriage” is the marriage of the soul and the spirit, or the subconscious and super-conscious mind. They must be one. When the subconscious is flooded with the perfect ideas of the superconscious, God and man are one. “I and the Father are one.” That is, he is one with the realm of perfect ideas; he is the man made in God’s likeness and image (imagination) and is given power and dominion over all created things, his mind, body and affairs.
It is safe to say that all sickness and unhappiness come from the violation of the law of love. A new commandment I give unto you, “Love one another,” and in the Game of Life, love or good-will takes every trick.
For example: A woman I know, had, for years an appearance of a terrible skin disease. The doctors told her it was incurable, and she was in despair. She was on the stage, and she feared she would soon have to give up her profession, and she had no other means of support. She, however, procured a good engagement, and on the opening night, made a great “hit.” She received flattering notices from the critics, and was joyful and elated. The next day she received a notice of dismissal. A man in the cast had been jealous of her success and had caused her to be sent away. She felt hatred and resentment taking complete possession of her, and she cried out, “Oh God don’t let me hate that man.” That night she worked for hours “in the silence.”
She said, “I soon came into a very deep silence. I seemed to be at peace with myself, with the man, and with the whole world. I continued this for two following nights, and on the third day I found I was healed completely of the skin disease!” In asking for love, or good will, she had fulfilled the law, (“for love is the fulfilling of the law”) and the disease (which came from subconscious resentment) was wiped out.
Continual criticism produces rheumatism, as critical, inharmonious thoughts cause unnatural deposits in the blood, which settle in the joints.
False growths are caused by jealousy, hatred, unforgiveness, fear, etc. Every disease is caused by a mind not at ease. I said once, in my class, “There is no use asking anyone ‘What’s the matter with you?’ we might just as well say, ‘Who’s the matter with you?'” Unforgiveness is the most prolific cause of disease. It will harden arteries or liver, and affect the eye-sight. In its train are endless ills.
I called on a woman, one day, who said she was ill from having eaten a poisoned oyster. I replied, “Oh, no, the oyster was harmless, you poisoned the oyster. What’s the matter with you?” She answered, “Oh about nineteen people.” She had quarreled with nineteen people and had become so inharmonious that she attracted the wrong oyster.