How to Deal with the Things You Fear – Florence Scovel-Shinn

Daily Vigilance Anxiety and Fear“Choose ye this day whom we shall serve,” fear or faith.

Fear of a Certain Person
Perhaps one’s fear is of personality. Then do not avoid the people feared; be willing to meet them cheerfully, and they will either prove “golden links in the chain of one’s good,” or disappear harmoniously from one’s pathway.

Fear of Germs or Getting Sick
Perhaps one’s fear is of disease or germs. Then one should be fearless and undisturbed in a germ-laden situation, and he would be immune. Continue reading “How to Deal with the Things You Fear – Florence Scovel-Shinn”

To find Peace Erase all Fear from your Subconscious – Florence Scovel-Shinn

There is no peace or happiness for man, until he has erased all fear from the subconscious.

Fear is misdirected energy and must be redirected, or transmuted into Faith.

Find Peace

Jesus Christ said, “Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?” “All things are possible to him that believeth.”

I am asked, so often by my students, “How can I get rid of fear?”

I reply, “By walking up to the thing you are afraid of.”
“The lion takes its fierceness from your fear.”

Walk up to the lion, and he will disappear; run away and he runs after you.

The lion of lack disappeared when the individual spends money fearlessly, showing faith that God was his supply and therefore, unfailing. Continue reading “To find Peace Erase all Fear from your Subconscious – Florence Scovel-Shinn”

Controlling the Law of Karma – Florence Scovel-Shinn

Law of Karma Florence Scovel Shinn“Nothing ever happens without an on-looker” is an ancient saying.

Man sees first his failure or success, his joy or sorrow, before it swings into visibility from the scenes set in his own imagination. We have observed this in the mother picturing disease for her child, or a woman seeing success for her husband.

Jesus Christ said, “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”

So, we see freedom (from all unhappy conditions) comes through knowledge—a knowledge of Spiritual Law.

Obedience precedes authority, and the law obeys man when he obeys the law. The law of electricity must be obeyed before it becomes man’s servant. When handled ignorantly, it becomes man’s deadly foe. So with the laws of Mind! Continue reading “Controlling the Law of Karma – Florence Scovel-Shinn”

The Law of Karma Florence Scovel-Shinn

Man receives only that which he gives. The Game of Life is a game of boomerangs. Man’s thoughts, deeds and words, return to him sooner or later, with astounding accuracy.

This is the law of Karma, which is Sanskrit for “Comeback.” “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

A friend told me this story of herself, illustrating the law. She said, “I make all my Karma on my aunt, whatever I say to her, someone says to me. I am often irritable at home, and one day, said to my aunt, who was talking to me during dinner. ‘No more talk, I wish to eat in peace.'” Continue reading “The Law of Karma Florence Scovel-Shinn”

Florence Scovel-Shinn on Anxiety, Fear and Belief in Interference

Daily Vigilance Anxiety and FearOne day I was impatiently awaiting an important telephone call. I resisted every call that came in and made no out-going calls myself, reasoning that it might interfere with the one I was awaiting.

Instead of saying, “Divine ideas never conflict, the call will come at the right time,” leaving it to Infinite Intelligence to arrange, I commenced to manage things myself—I made the battle mine, not God’s and remained tense and anxious. The bell did not ring for about an hour, and I glanced at the ’phone and found the receiver had been off that length of time, and the ’phone was disconnected. Continue reading “Florence Scovel-Shinn on Anxiety, Fear and Belief in Interference”

Doubt and Fear – Florence Scovel-Shinn

Doubt and Fear - Florence Scovel Shinn

Getting into the spiritual swing of things is no easy matter for the average person. The adverse thoughts of doubt and fear surge from the subconscious. They are the “army of the aliens” which must be put to flight. This explains why it is so often, “darkest before the dawn.”

A big demonstration is usually preceded by tormenting thoughts.

Having made a statement of high spiritual truth one challenges the old beliefs in the subconscious, and “error is exposed” to be put out.

This is the time when one must make his affirmations of truth repeatedly, and rejoice and give thanks that he has already received. “Before ye call I shall answer.” This means that “every good and perfect gift” is already man’s awaiting his recognition.

Man can only receive what he sees himself receiving. Continue reading “Doubt and Fear – Florence Scovel-Shinn”

Florence Scovel-Shinn on Dealing with Fear

Nothing stands between man and his highest ideals and every desire of his heart, but doubt and fear. When man can “wish without worrying,” every desire will be instantly fulfilled.

Fear must be erased from the consciousness. It is man’s only enemy—fear of lack, fear of failure, fear of sickness, fear of loss and a feeling of insecurity on some plane. Jesus Christ said: “Why are ye fearful, oh ye of little faith?” (Mat. 8:26.)

We must substitute faith for fear, for fear is only inverted faith; it is faith in evil instead of good. Continue reading “Florence Scovel-Shinn on Dealing with Fear”

Face your Fear – Florence Scovel-Shinn

Face Your Fear - Florence Scovel Shinn - Daily VigilanceI know, in my own case, it took a long while to get out of a belief that a certain thing brought disappointment. If the thing happened, disappointment invariably followed. I found the only way I could make a change in the subconscious, was by asserting, “There are not two powers, there is only one power, God, therefore, there are no disappointments, and this thing means a happy surprise.” I noticed a change at once, and happy surprises commenced coming my way.

I have a friend who said nothing could induce her to walk under a ladder. I said, “If you are afraid, you are giving in to a belief in two powers, Good and Evil, instead of one. As God is absolute, there can be no opposing power, unless man makes the false of evil for himself. To show you believe in only One Power, God, and that there is no power or reality in evil, walk under the next ladder you see.” Continue reading “Face your Fear – Florence Scovel-Shinn”