No man is a success in business unless he loves his work. The picture the artist paints for love (of his art) is his greatest work. The pot-boiler is always something to live down.
No man can attract money if he despises it. Many people are kept in poverty by saying: “Money means nothing to me, and I have a contempt for people who have it.”
This is the reason so many artists are poor. Their contempt for money separates them from it.
I remember hearing one artist say of another, “He’s no good as an artist, he has money in the bank.”
This attitude of mind, of course, separates man from his supply; he must be in harmony with a thing in order to attract it.
Money is God in manifestation, as freedom from want and limitation, but it must be always kept in circulation and put to right uses. Hoarding and saving react with grim vengeance.
This does not mean that man should not have houses and lots, stocks and bonds, for “the barns of the righteous man shall be full.” It means man should not hoard even the principal, if an occasion arises, when money is necessary. In letting it go out fearlessly and cheerfully he opens the way for more to come in, for God is man’s unfailing and inexhaustible supply.
This is the spiritual attitude towards money and the great Bank of the Universal never fails!